A Sad Demise

She always fascinated about her wedding. She loved the feeling of getting married, being loved by someone, having kids. A perfect life – loving fiancée, supportive parent, a great job. She almost had every happiness, she dreamed of. Now, it was the time to fulfil her utmost dream i.e admiring herself as a bride. Well, god was so kind to her that her wedding day arrived soon. She was looking like a diva. Gorgeous red color lehanga was looking so bright on her. Her fair complexion was complementing her traditional attire and glittering eyes was depicting her happiness. The candle lights all over the wedding hall created a vibrant ambience. While she was walking towards the ceremony area, she just wanted to do a little touch up. So, she went to the girls room to check on her makeup. On the way to the girls room there were candles all over the floor to enhance the look of the bride and groom and unfortunately her veil catches the fire. The material of her bridal attire was such that it got burned in a few minutes. Everybody rushes towards her and done all the remedies to extinguish the fire.

She was sent to the hospital, but it was too late. Her dream of adoring her life with kids and husband got parched with the fire. She died with an unfulfilled dream of her life.

By : Tanushree

Photo Courtesy : Google

Contact : Blend of Sentiments 

Published by Tanushree

An explorer who loves to experience and explore plethora of sentiments and would try to handle them with love and care.

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