Fool’s Day – Fatal Day


It was the most beautiful day of my life, I was all set to jump on the next stage as a wife. Every thing was looking so perfect, the decorated house, sweets, music, love i was receiving. My heart was thanking god for the moment that was arriving.

It was two days left for our wedding, My beloved would be, called me, I was so happy to see his name flashing on my phone. A hurricane of excitement was running in my blood.

He said come out from your house, his voice was in pain. I literally ran with confusion and worry in my mind. When i opened the door, he was standing right in front of me, his body was shivering and it was blood all over the shirt.

My heart pumped so fast and i could count the beats of my heart. My body was cold and i felt like falling down. The moment he called my name in pain, i got embraced in the arms of death. He hold me and took my name again n again but i was gone. It was the FOOL’S DAY that made my wedding day a life long regret in his life.

Photo Courtesy : Google and Me

Published by Tanushree

An explorer who loves to experience and explore plethora of sentiments and would try to handle them with love and care.

18 thoughts on “Fool’s Day – Fatal Day

    1. No need to be sorry dear.. sometimes you are not in the same emotion , so it gets hard to understand.

      He was just fooling her.. but she was so excited about wedding and love.. That when she saw her love in pain n blood.. she got heartache and died..

      Hope you got the concept now.. take care and keep smiling.. Love Tanushree

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hii..
      No sweetheart.. he was just fooling her.. but she was so excited about wedding and love.. That when she saw her love in pain n blood.. she got heartache and died..


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