Still Survived !

By : Tanushree You left me behind with the broken heart and some regrets that can’t be rectified. You thought and wished I would die but see I still managed to survive!

One Mistake To Undo!

By : Tanushree Loving someone is a divine feeling, You get intimate, You love to talk to him, You share every bit of you, But when on 1 bright day, Whole world was celebrating the arrival of New hope, New opportunities, New Happiness, We shared anger on such a stupid note, We let our happinessContinue reading “One Mistake To Undo!”

When I’ll Die !

BY : TANUSHREE The fights, The sorry’s The break ups, The make ups. Looks so adorable and touch your heart, The daily hiccups in a relation maintains the spark. But I wonder how I will leave all these, When my time will come and I have to leave everyone. My heart pains when I thinkContinue reading “When I’ll Die !”

House Of Terror !!

BY : TANUSHREE Home is a place where we come with a mind set that we will receive love, care , affection and will do loads of fun. It’s our comfort zone, where we don’t have to think about who is thinking what or who is doing what. We come home from a hectic scheduleContinue reading “House Of Terror !!”

Fool’s Day – Fatal Day

BY : TANUSHREE It was the most beautiful day of my life, I was all set to jump on the next stage as a wife. Every thing was looking so perfect, the decorated house, sweets, music, love i was receiving. My heart was thanking god for the moment that was arriving. It was two days leftContinue reading “Fool’s Day – Fatal Day”

Eternal Love !!

BY : TANUSHREE I can still feel your breath, I can still feel your touch. I can still feel every moment that we spent, I can still smell your fragrance on my crushed bed. Every single thing in my room reminds me of you, Every single note you left for me, still gives me goosebumps.Continue reading “Eternal Love !!”

Tale Of A Warrior

BY : TANUSHREE He was risking his life daily, So that people can live their life calmly. As he was the soldier who vowed to breathe for his country, His wife was leading a life filled with pride and worry, His kids grown up listening to the stories of his victory. A day she wasContinue reading “Tale Of A Warrior”

The Unborn

BY : TANUSHREE The news of arrival of the new soul in the family creates such an environment in the surroundings that is just unforgettable. The enthusiasm, the planning, the shopping, the extra care every bit of it was giving a special feeling. They were all set to welcome the new member in the family.Continue reading “The Unborn”