It’s Too Late To Care !!

Caring is what we all need, But I have always realized one thing, People start caring when it’s too late !!  Photo Courtesy : Pexels  

Selfless Deeds

BY : TANUSHREE I keep on asking myself, is making someone smile without expecting anything in return is stupidity?  If spending little bucks from your pocket, makes someone feel special without getting anything in return is silliness? Well, I feel if it is then it’s totally worth it. It doesn’t matter if people find itContinue reading “Selfless Deeds”

The Day It Will All End

BY : TANUSHREE We fight, we cry, We waste every moment we could enjoy. Expectation is what kills us all, Happiness is what makes us all. Why to think so much to take any single step, Why to always ponder about things that can never be changed. Cherish every breath that lord has given youContinue reading “The Day It Will All End”