We all are gifted with family that we don’t choose. The traits and some habits we inherit from them. Now what happens when we are totally different and don’t inherit any family quality. Listen to the Podcast for complete story! Share your story at

When I’ll Die !

BY : TANUSHREE The fights, The sorry’s The break ups, The make ups. Looks so adorable and touch your heart, The daily hiccups in a relation maintains the spark. But I wonder how I will leave all these, When my time will come and I have to leave everyone. My heart pains when I thinkContinue reading “When I’ll Die !”

Cherish Love !!

BY : TANUSHREE   Sometimes we get so much engrossed in the search of success, That we totally sideline the fact of time running out from our hands. We think we have plenty of time to spend with our loved ones, We think this is the time to only focus on earning a lot, ButContinue reading “Cherish Love !!”

The Third Wheel

BY : TANUSHREE I tried to pull you out of that struggle, I tried to heal your wounds. I made you my priority, I nourished your soul. You were in such a mess, I supported you like my own shell. I loved you more than my life, I wished for your wellness more than mine.Continue reading “The Third Wheel”

The Virtual Life

The world has become technologically advanced, The minds of the people need so much to grasp. Everyone is busy with their own personal gizmo, Nobody remembers the fun they had with their family when they were little bambino. Gone those days when people use to sit and laugh together, Now you need to look aContinue reading “The Virtual Life”

The Final Good Bye

Knock knock !! Hey mom, good to see you after such a long time. Mom ? Are you listening to me? What are you searching? I’m talking to you.Are you going to ignore me now for not coming to meet you from past 3 years?I was busy with work, you know how it goes. Mom?Continue reading “The Final Good Bye”

Life After Death

Photo Courtesy : Google Today, a big happy family is like never finding affair. You hardly see or visit a big family who shares each and everything with each other without any expectations. I feel myself lucky that I know a family who can die for each other and a love of fountain always enhancesContinue reading “Life After Death”