Pull Me Out!!

By : Tanushree Sinking so deep, Can’t find a way to come out from the lagoon of choice I made and memories I have saved!

Value It Or Forget It!

By: Tanushree If your friends doesn’t value your time or care towards them, Then it’s not even a glimpse of friendship, Its just everyone is scared to be lonely, So they make you a part of there daily routine, But there is no love or care that they feel for you, It’s just fake smileContinue reading “Value It Or Forget It!”

When I’ll Die !

BY : TANUSHREE The fights, The sorry’s The break ups, The make ups. Looks so adorable and touch your heart, The daily hiccups in a relation maintains the spark. But I wonder how I will leave all these, When my time will come and I have to leave everyone. My heart pains when I thinkContinue reading “When I’ll Die !”

Cherish Love !!

BY : TANUSHREE   Sometimes we get so much engrossed in the search of success, That we totally sideline the fact of time running out from our hands. We think we have plenty of time to spend with our loved ones, We think this is the time to only focus on earning a lot, ButContinue reading “Cherish Love !!”

For My Existence !!

BY : TANUSHREE The place I was born, Is the place I love the most. The love I have received will be missed forever. I know I need to think positive, And fulfill my life’s dream. It will be so hard, To leave the place, where I learned to survive. It will be so hardContinue reading “For My Existence !!”

Hard To Say Good Bye !!

BY : TANUSHREE You were the best decision i have taken, You taught me many things i can’t even tell. You made me cry, you made me angry, Still you are one of my closest gem. I will miss you every time and will hope you will be fine, Your crazy activities will be rememberedContinue reading “Hard To Say Good Bye !!”