Pull Me Out!!

By : Tanushree Sinking so deep, Can’t find a way to come out from the lagoon of choice I made and memories I have saved!

Don’t Wake Me Up !!

By: Tanushree My pain is not as bigger as my friendship with you, You may keep on dagging my back with a knife of betrayal, But I will keep on bearing it till the time I am not shattered completely. But the day my stamina will give up, Is the day your worst time willContinue reading “Don’t Wake Me Up !!”

Value It Or Forget It!

By: Tanushree If your friends doesn’t value your time or care towards them, Then it’s not even a glimpse of friendship, Its just everyone is scared to be lonely, So they make you a part of there daily routine, But there is no love or care that they feel for you, It’s just fake smileContinue reading “Value It Or Forget It!”

Indomitable Feelings

By : Tanushree I know you are not wrong, I know I get emotional, I know nobody has time to waste on someone. I know some people get too much attached, I know it’s there fault to love the people around them. I have always received too much love and care, And if people whomContinue reading “Indomitable Feelings”

Life Goes On !!

BY : TANUSHREE Another goodbye on my list, Another session of sadness in my life. A wave of agnoy is going through my soul, A shadow who is giving me moments to cry, Is following me every where. Hope we all will meet one day to cherish the same old memories, Which has brightened ourContinue reading “Life Goes On !!”

Flickering Light !!

BY : TANUSHREE The splash of happiness came into my life, As a friend who taught me to live my life. A girl whose spark always shine my soul, Whose positivity spreads the joy of living with goal. One day she insisted me to go out of my shell, And explore something new that wasContinue reading “Flickering Light !!”

Better To Trust A Foe !!

BY : TANUSHREE I keep on thinking , Is it true that people do get effected with my presence ? I keep on thinking do they really want me that much? I keep on wondering, can your friends love you so much? Then when I was accepting this beautiful truth, And satarted pondering that IContinue reading “Better To Trust A Foe !!”

Get Away !!

BY : TANUSHREE I need a break from every person knows me, I don’t feel like even seeing anyone’s face. They all are selfish and mean, They forget everything I did for them. I feel like a fool now, I feel I have wasted my time and my love on them. Screw you all, IContinue reading “Get Away !!”