Husband 😉

By : Tanushree Dear husband, I know we fight, I know we ignore sometime, But yes the feel your smile give me, That satisfaction your hug make me feel, No one can take that place, We are different but still soulmates !!

Unexpected Love !!

BY : TANUSHREE It was not my idea to get married to you, It was not my decision to be wih you. My parents told me you are best for me, My heart was still confused to beleive that you are the one for me. Holding your hands while taking the vows, I felt thatContinue reading “Unexpected Love !!”

Heart Scattered Like Dust

BY : TANUSHREE You gave a relationship i always waited for, You made me feel like i m the one you have always waited for. Now that we are in a never breaking tie of marriage, Now you are acting like i am a nobody in your life’s pilgrimage. Yes i know you have aContinue reading “Heart Scattered Like Dust”

How Much Is Enough ?

She has given him her life, She accepted the proposal of being his beloved wife. Her dream of spending a gorgeous life with the one she love was coming true, She was more than happy to be the part of his family’s crew. She entered and showered all the love she accumulated for them, SheContinue reading “How Much Is Enough ?”

A Sad Demise

She always fascinated about her wedding. She loved the feeling of getting married, being loved by someone, having kids. A perfect life – loving fiancée, supportive parent, a great job. She almost had every happiness, she dreamed of. Now, it was the time to fulfil her utmost dream i.e admiring herself as a bride. Well, godContinue reading “A Sad Demise”

Are Marriages Really Made In Heaven?

It is said that marriage is the most divine relationship on earth, Is it so? Well, some will agree and some will not, Basically, it depends on the bonding you share with your better half. If your better half gives you respect, treats you well and give you all the happiness you deserve, than yes,Continue reading “Are Marriages Really Made In Heaven?”